Health management technology platform Guokang Health completed strategic financing tens of millions RMB, with the exclusive investment of Life Capital

Established in 2005, Guokang Health has established China’s leading private doctor health management service system. A robust offline service team has covered 100% of core…

To protect health “just needed” China’s proposed legislation makes up for the “shortcomings” of mental health services and health education talents

The accelerating pace of modern life has made physical and psychological “sub-health” problems more diverse, and seeking professional help has become a healthy “just need.”…

Analysis of the future development prospects of China’s dental medical industry: It is estimated that the domestic dental market will reach 170-180 billion within 5 years (2019-2024)

China’s dental medical market has great potential In the context of the improvement of the living standards of Chinese residents and the increasing aging of…

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