AI+Medical – The era of smart medical care is accelerating

5G remote ultrasonic robotic arms, smart screens for traditional Chinese medicine, surgical robots… At the first health service exhibition in 2021, a simple medical institution, well-known pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and large-scale medical institutions such as elderly care institutions will show smart medical care. Very eye-catching.

Renewal, big data, and other technologies are developing in an all-around way, constantly empowering the medical field. From wearable smart devices to healthy home health management to “smart hospitals”, changing patients’ medical treatment and re-changing the medical model has greatly improved the quality of medical services, and an innovative and dynamic era of intelligent medical care is accelerating.

Smart healthcare is a comprehensive upgrade and application field of traditional medical and health informatization. Come to the “5G Mobile Stroke Unit Project” and other solutions; Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, etc. showed the latest research results of robotic surgery, hospital operability, and safety continue to increase… When artificial intelligence and doctors cooperate to solve problems, people start Looking forward to more anticipated changes in the medical service system.

Coupled with the in-depth development of medical technology and the balanced allocation of intelligent medical auxiliary medical resources, it provides a path to help resolve “expensive medical treatment” and “difficult treatment”. Under the 5G technology with the characteristics of large traffic, high speed, low, etc., grassroots hospitals and large hospitals will set up communication “cloud channels” to move medical resources to patients, and provide medical information for the diagnosis, hospitals, and remote treatments. , Allowing consumers to “run less” and be more optimistic about the disease. With the continuous decline of high-quality medical resources, more and more “good doctors” are sent to their doorsteps, which will fatally increase the sense of medical treatment.

At the same time, there should be continuous challenges in the development of smart medicine. On the one hand, smart medical care is about to emerge, and it needs to work together in policy, mechanism, and technological innovation; on the other hand, the life experience of innovative products of smart medical care is registered. Start-ups are facing challenges.

There is reason to believe that with the further release of people’s health consumer demand, smart medicine will have a huge room for development.


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